My name is Hessel de Vries, I’m a UX/UI Designer based in Amsterdam. With a background and interest in Business & People, I'm eager to create engaging products that people can interact with. Optimizing this experience is the most valuable for the users and the most satisfying for me.

More about me

From a young age I have been fascinated with a combination of sciences & arts. Science expressed itself through my academic background at the University of Groningen and the arts expressed itself in dancing, making music, drawing & other creative outbursts in my spare time. 

Luckily, I found a way to combine these two worlds by entering the field of design. Here I can bring my human centered orientation, creativity and technical skills together.

In addition, I love new challenges, cruising on my longboard, connecting with people and foremost, I'm competitive and don't stop until I'm done.
What other people say about me

"High quality talker, handels groups really well, extremely confident & chilled person, helping others, good to work together with."
- Balint Nagy (UX/UI Designer)

"Quirky, accessible, helpful and friendly."
- Tom Splitthoff (Teammanager Operations WLZ)

"Extremely kind, always ready to help, extremely driven and inquisitive."
- Bart Weber (UX/UI Designer & 3D-Artist)

"Wonderful storytelling and your ideas are always so well thought through and inspiring."
- Jarle Matland (UX/UI Designer & Developer)
UX - Methodologies
Competitive Analysis
Lean Survey Canvas
Online Surveys
Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
User Interviews
Affinity Mapping
User Personas
User Journeys
Problem Statement
Hypothesis Statement
Mind Mapping
User Flows
Usability Testing
UI - Methodologies

Visual Competitive Analysis
Design System
Hi-Fi Prototyping
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