Sketch - Google Forms - Miro - InVision Studio - Adobe Photoshop
1 Week UX - 1 Week UI & interactions - Individual Project
"The role of partners should not be overlooked during the pregnancy process"

In January of 2020 my girlfriend and I discovered we were pregnant. Very happy news, but unfortunately we were about 700 kilometers apart due to her internship in Germany. So besides frequent phone & video-calls, we used mobile applications to keep track of the pregnancy. 

Soon I discovered that most of the mobile pregnancy applications were 'comical' (stereotyping) or mainly focussed on the pregnant woman with an overload of information. 

This made it difficult for me as a partner to follow the pregnancy process and the mental & physical status of my girlfriend.
The Case

As part of the Ironhack UX/UI Bootcamp the challenge was to come up with a project in the field of wellness. 

In addition a tracking feature had to be incorporated in the application.

Within these parameters a topic of choice could be made. The time limit was 1 week for UX and 1 week for UI.
What does Super Dads offer?

Super Dads offers a way for partners to follow the pregnancy process without being overwhelmed with all the information about it. The information is concisepragmatic and partner oriented

The partner mainly has a supportive role during the pregnancy. Therefore, the application includes features such as a contractions counter, mood tracker, sleep tracker, a 'how to' manual for creating a babyroom' and features to be prepared for emergency situations (important contacts list & hospital-bag).

In addition to the pregnancy process information taken from the timeline (week-cards) on the home screen and the information articles, the partners can also allow the application to send daily and/or weekly tips to be well prepared.
Product features

- An informative timeline
- Informative articles
- To-do & tracking features
Daily/Weekly tips
- Baby / Fruit-mode

The tracking features 
• mental state • sleep • appointments • notes •
• moms bump size / weight / blood pressure •
• contraction counter •
Future iterations will focus on creating a 'Super Parents' application from which the user can either assign to be a 'Super Dad' or 'Super Mom'. This will allow both parties to be informed for their purpose and have the ability to synchronize to each other. All the information from the trackers can then be seen & edited by both parties. 

In addition a 'baby-name' feature can be added, so future mom and dad can keep a list to have a clear overview of their baby's potential name.
Bites of high fidelity flow

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